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TypePostAuthorRepliesLast updated
Forum topicSubtract the first value from (down to up) when the value > “0” Sandrahan211 years 49 weeks ago
Forum topicFiltering issue Mohler1313311 years 49 weeks ago
Forum topicMake a butto in Excel-VB,which will always be visible on top of other applications ruth011 years 49 weeks ago
Forum topicReading large data into Excel using arrays or otherwise dugdugdug111 years 49 weeks ago
Forum topicFormula to convert first digit of a number to Text David123111 years 49 weeks ago
Forum topicConundrum... thumphreys1111 years 49 weeks ago
Forum topicExcel 2003 Graphs BrentM511 years 49 weeks ago
Forum topicMethod 'Range' of object '_Global' failed - I'm stuck! Preston Bandy1011 years 49 weeks ago
Forum topicFormula for entering data from one sheet to another e111 years 50 weeks ago
Blog entryReading large data into Excel using arrays or otherwise dugdugdug111 years 50 weeks ago
Forum topicMatching cells gauca001311 years 50 weeks ago
Forum topicHelp needed with syntax AngelaW211 years 50 weeks ago
Forum topicloop without do - Sorry if this is a repeat of the ultimate noob question but... dianehc311 years 50 weeks ago
Blog entryDate Format in Format Cells jrhyslop311 years 50 weeks ago
Blog entry39. Excel Tips - Remove Duplicates from a sorted list Nick211 years 50 weeks ago
Forum topicMultidimensional array problem rumceisz111 years 51 weeks ago
Blog entry84. Excel Tips - Select All Text In A Cell Nick111 years 51 weeks ago
ImageUserForm antzint011 years 51 weeks ago
ImageTransferring the Userform Textbox Values To a Single Cell As Comment Indicator antzint011 years 51 weeks ago
Forum topicNeed to repeat recorded macro helmutvonderdag012 years 1 day ago
Blog entryData Validation with Formula Geek112 years 4 days ago
Forum topicVBA Macro with typo Chelledc68112 years 5 days ago
Forum topicHelp Needed with nested (I think!) formula please juliet412 years 1 week ago
Blog entryTest scores sageplay112 years 1 week ago
Forum topicMacro SaveAs password from cell value kevinarp312 years 1 week ago