take range for a formula from another file


I'm trying to include a range from another file in a formula contained in my macro as below:

' Set formula to column "Reason Code 2"
LastRow = Range("A2").End(xlDown).Row

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(COUNTIF('\\Ukchsbmsfsp002.one.ads.bms.com\shared02\European Capability Centre\P2P\Reports\Daily target\MACRO\[skratky.xlsx]Sheet1'!A$1:A$23,RC[-2]),RC[-2],""OTHER"")"
Range("K2:K" & LastRow).FillDown

It seems it's not working because the file "skratky.xlsx" is closed because at the end of the macro as soon as I open that file the fileds start to populate. I don't understand why it's not working because I'm using the same principle on other parts of the macro and the link to the other file is working.

Can you help me to understand it?

I attached the macro..

Thank you in advance for any help

makro new_updated (2).xlsm37.57 KB