Novice need formula help from an Expert
Hello All. I'm an Excel novice and need some expert advice. I need a formula to pull data from one sheet to another sheet in the same
workbook. Here's the scenario...
Column A, Column B, Column C
BFOV(1x1.25)H, 100, 7/12/14
BFOV(1x1.25)I, 50, 7/15/14
BFOV(1x1.25)W, 250, 8/01/14
BM60(1x1.25)D, 200, 8/12/14
BM60(1.1.25), 50, 9/10/14
BM61(1), 8, 8/14/14
BFO96RW, 800, 7/10/14
BFO48W, 300, 9/18/14
BFO48I, 100, 9/22/14
BFO144IE, 900, 9/25/14
1)(BFO96 &, 500, 10/02/14
1A) BFO72)D, 500, 10/02/14
2)(BFO72 &, 300, 9/19/14
2A) BFO24 &, 300, 9/19/14
2B) BFO24)D, 300, 9/19/14
(There will be several additional text items in Column A spelled out differently as well.)
Cell A1 - This cell needs to be the sum of any cells in Column B on Sheet1, within a given date range of Column C on Sheet1, based on
criteria from Column A on Sheet1 as follows... If BFOV*H and BM6*, but not * (anything else)
Cell A2 - This cell needs to be the sum of any cells in Column B on Sheet1, within a given date range of Column C on Sheet1, based on
criteria from Column A on Sheet1 as follows... If BFO*RW and BFO*W and BFOV*W and *)(*, but not * (anything else)
Cell A3 - This cell needs to be the sum of any cells in Column B on Sheet1, within a given date range of Column C on Sheet1, based on
criteria from Column A on Sheet1 as follows... If BFO*I and BFO*IE and BFOV*I, but not * (anything else)
Thank You very much for your help with this!
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