Excel How-To Training Tool: www.excelhow-to.com

I'm a qualified Chartered Accountant who works in Financial Services delivering process automation solutions using Excel/Access/SharePoint and part of my role is around helping colleagues up-skill and become more proficient in their use of Excel in particular.
In my role I've worked with many colleagues, mainly in Finance who are heavy users of Excel but, despite having access to valuable courses, still don't have the level of proficiency they need in their day-to-day roles. I think this is because structured courses, both classroom based and online, are good for getting people up to a certain level but beyond this they need instant access to knowledge around how to do their specific daily spreadsheet tasks they in the most efficient way. Most people resort to searching online or asking colleagues for help but this isn’t always particularly efficient or fruitful.
To tackle this pain point, I've spent the last year or so (in my spare time!) building a learning add-in for Excel called Excel How-To (www.excelhow-to.com). Through step-by-step examples, interactive workbooks, knowledge quizzes and video walk-throughs, the tool provides users with the knowledge to become power users without ever leaving the Excel application. The just-in-time nature of accessing the content gives users the assistance they can rely on after their normal Excel training (if any) has come and gone.
I'm now looking for some people (Excel Experts and non-experts alike!) to review the tool and provide me with some feedback on both content and features. From the website, you can either download the content as an add-in or view it online in the web browser by clicking on the links in the 'Topics' page.
Please review the product by either means and let me know your feedback - I can be reached at rishisapra@gmail.com
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