Challanging prob with Radio button and locked_Protected options ...
Hi ...
It is pretty urgent and requesting you to give me a solution on the following issues im facing with Excel:
1. There are 3 columns(A, B & C) and in each column, i have five cells(rows) with some text on top of which i have added Radio buttons on all those cells. It is like when someone click on the second cell(A2's radio button), then the value '2' should display in the resultant final cell(which is 6th cell on the same column). Likewise, i have five radio buttons in each column with one final resultant cell to display the value. (Please refer the attached IMAGE) ...
This works fine with Column A but the problem is when i select the Column B's first option (i.e)., B1 radio button, the resultant final value turns as '6' in the A column's resultant cell. I want it like any radio button selected in Column A should display the result value only in column A's resultant cell and the same logic with Column B & C .... but currently, the radio buttons starting from B column till the end of C column is getting counted as continuation of column A's radio options and hence it is displaying the values from 6 to 15 that too in the column A's resultant cell.
To be precise, select any radio in column A -> resultant value should display in the final result(Score) cell of A column which is any value from 1 - 5.
select any radio in column B -> resultant value should display in the final result(Score) cell of B column which is any value from 1 - 5.
select any radio in column C -> resultant value should display in the final result(Score) cell of C column which is any value from 1 - 5.
I have tried "Right click-Protection TAB-Link cell" etc along with few other options ... but of no help ...
2. In the same sheet, i wanted to Lock only the resultant cell final(Score) values and hence protected the sheet ... but once protected, it is not allowing me to select the radio buttons/options as those are also getting protected. In other words, i want only the resultant cell to be protected and not the radio buttons ... so that my users will select any radio button and can see the resultant value in the final cell but they should not manually modify the final resultant value.
I have tried googling many of selecting Locked/Unlocked cell options along with Protection edit user range etc .. but of no use ...
Any assistance on this will be very great help please ....
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