Using Instr with Optional Backward Search

Vishesh's picture
Below code can be used to find the starting position of a string in a text from start or can be used to search backward as well.

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Option Explicit
Function lngFindString(strFullString As String, strSearchString As String,  _
   blnCaseSensitive As Boolean, blnReverseSearch As Boolean) As Long
    If blnCaseSensitive Then
        If Not blnReverseSearch Then
            lngFindString = InStr(1, strFullString, strSearchString)
            lngFindString = InStrRev(strFullString, strSearchString, , vbBinaryCompare)
        End If
        If Not blnReverseSearch Then
            lngFindString = InStr(1, strFullString, strSearchString, vbTextCompare)
            lngFindString = InStrRev(strFullString, strSearchString, , vbTextCompare)
        End If
    End If
End Function
Sub ExecuteFunction()
    MsgBox lngFindString("Look into my eyes! Look Please", "look", False, True)
End Sub