Customised Cell Comments

Vishesh's picture
This is a small piece of code showing how to customise your cell comments to make it look better. The code works fine in Excel 2003. Some R&D is required to find out why font color applied in Excel 2007 is not correct. To make it work in Excel 2007 use ColorIndex instead of Color.
Sub ModifyCellComment()
    Dim cmt     As Comment
    Dim shp     As Shape
    Set cmt = Range("rngModified").Comment
    Set shp = cmt.Shape
    With shp
        With .TextFrame.Characters.Font
            .Size = Range("rngFormat").Font.Size
            .Bold = Range("rngFormat").Font.Bold
            .Name = Range("rngFormat").Font.Name
            .Color = Range("rngFormat").Font.Color
        End With
        .Fill.ForeColor.RGB = Range("rngFormat").Interior.Color
        'Color of first character of comment

        .TextFrame.Characters(1, 1).Font.Color = Range("rngFirstChar").Interior.Color
    End With
    Set cmt = Nothing
    Set shp = Nothing
End Sub


Customised Cell Comments

Comments.xls40.5 KB