Comparing 2 years data sets


I urgently need help. I know a bit about pivot tables. I have 2 years data sets, sales year to date last year (2009/10) season, and then current year to date sales data. I need to compare these two years, showing % difference between the 2 years. I am able to show % total per rep/product etc. for total last year compared to cummulative this year. Our selling season starts each year around October, when they start loading the new orders. What I need to do is show this year's 4 months (oct-feb) compared to last years 4 months, and express difference as a %. I am really struggling with this. Please help if you are able to. I can send you and extract of my spreadsheet and what I have done. Please let me know.




Sedick Kahn

Nick's picture

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Re:Comparing 2 years data sets

Dear Sedick

Send the spreadsheet to answer exactly to your issue.

