Add Custom Options to Right Click Menu

Often when using Excel, you want the ability to call a macro, but don't want to display a button. Adding Custom Options to Right Click Menu gives you this functionality. Create the data as in the first sheet of the attached xl file and copy the following code in Thisworkbook module. Right click to see that your menus appear in the right click menu list. There is also an option to specify whether to show 'Begin Group' separator line or not.
Option Explicit Private Sub Workbook_Deactivate() Dim rngMenu As Range Dim arrMenu() As Variant Set rngMenu = shtMenu.Range("A1").CurrentRegion arrMenu() = rngMenu Call ResetCellRightClickMenu(arrMenu) Erase arrMenu Set rngMenu = Nothing End Sub Private Sub Workbook_SheetBeforeRightClick(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) Dim rngMenu As Range Dim arrMenu() As Variant Set rngMenu = shtMenu.Range("A1").CurrentRegion arrMenu() = rngMenu Call AddToCellRightClickMenu(arrMenu) Erase arrMenu Set rngMenu = Nothing End Sub Sub AddToCellRightClickMenu(arrMenu() As Variant) Dim lngMenuCount As Long Dim cmdBarButton As CommandBarButton For lngMenuCount = 2 To UBound(arrMenu(), 1) With Application On Error Resume Next .CommandBars("Cell").Controls(arrMenu(lngMenuCount, 1)).Delete On Error GoTo 0 Set cmdBarButton = .CommandBars("Cell").Controls.Add(Temporary:=True) End With With cmdBarButton .Caption = arrMenu(lngMenuCount, 1) .Style = msoButtonCaption .OnAction = arrMenu(lngMenuCount, 2) On Error Resume Next .BeginGroup = arrMenu(lngMenuCount, 3) On Error GoTo 0 End With Next lngMenuCount Set cmdBarButton = Nothing End Sub Sub ResetCellRightClickMenu(arrMenu() As Variant) Dim lngMenuCount As Long For lngMenuCount = 2 To UBound(arrMenu(), 1) On Error Resume Next Application.CommandBars("Cell").Controls(arrMenu(lngMenuCount, 1)).Delete On Error GoTo 0 Next lngMenuCount End Sub
Attachment | Size |
RightClickMenus.xls | 35 KB |
- Vishesh's blog
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Thanks for tutorial. I made
Thanks for tutorial.
I made context menu example .If click right menu ,opens date form.